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Summer Ball Program


The Summer Ball Program consists of a t-ball team for students entering Kindergarten and 1st grade, a coach pitch team for students entering 2nd and 3rd grade, a peewee baseball team for students entering 4th - 6th grade, and two girls softball teams.

Practices and home games are split between Hitchcock and Doland.

Please complete the form below by April 19th. We are looking forward to a great season!

Summer Ball Program Sign-Up
Would you or a family member (older sibling?) be willing to sign up for an evening to help run concessions?

Please note:  Communication for the ball program after registration will primarily be through the Heja App.  Updates and changes to the ball schedule will be announced there. The team code needed to use the app will be sent out once registration has ended and teams have been made.

That's for registering! Schedules will be sent out soon!

Sorry! The deadline for this form has passed. Please contact a coach for any questions!

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