South Dakota 57348
Community Planners
Meetings: 3rd Monday of the Month (check calendar), 7pm - Open Invitation!
The Hitchcock Community Planners was organized on March 22, 1989 for the purpose of educating the community in economic development.
Hitchcock enrolled in the Guide to Opportunities for Local Development (GOLD) Program to identify strengths, weaknesses and set goals. We were designated as a Gold Community at the Governor's Economic Development Conference on February 14, 1990 and presented a plaque by Governor George Mickelson. As a result of taking part in this program over the years we have accomplished many goals such as: Maintain existing businesses, Encourage local entrepreneurs, Improve Baseball fields and the park, City beautification, Recruit new businesses, Bathroom facilities at the park, Community Welcome Basket, Annual Community 4th of July celebration, City Christmas decorations, Adopt a Highway program and City Infrastructure improvements.
We were instrumental in the mural project on the main street of Hitchcock. This not only improved the looks of the downtown area but will preserve the heritage of the community. With the building of a new Fire Hall, and a new United Methodist Church, we feel strongly that we will survive. We are striving toward making the community a better place to live, work and do business.
2017 improvements - City Park equipment upgrade
Meetings are held at 7pm on the 3rd Monday of the Month at the United Methodist Church. Please check the calendar on the main page to confirm there is a meeting. Anyone in the community is welcome. Just walk on in!
2018 Officers
President ● Angela Waldner
Vice President ● Position Open
Secretary ● Cyndi Binger
Treasurer ● Kari Puffer